Father’s Rights are really important and these are directly related to a child’s rights. Every kid has a basic right to have a complete relationship and to have a love of both father and mother. The Father’s role is very significant in the development of their children.
Here, I’m going to talk about the state of Utah who allows fathers very little rights.
Father’s Rights in Utah:
The state of Utah basically, allows fathers very few rights over their children and a very little responsibility. That’s the reason fathers speak out in Utah to have equal rights over their children.
The law is against the father’s rights in Utah. They should give equal custody rights, support, child custody, maintenance statutes these all things should get attention, but the law is totally against the fathers. Yes, there are a number of odd things like; the uphill battle that accompanies the father’s effort to win custody of minor children.
Other than all the odds that takes place, some of our most experienced Utah Father’s right attorneys have successfully and luckily won the custody of a child on the behalf of their clients, because they understand this whole mess and know that what it takes and they have the best idea about the approaches to use for equalling the battle and they also understand how to win in hard situations.
Just don’t ever leave the important issue of a child related to custody. Trust the father’s rights attorney, they are always there to protect your interests.
Rights as a Father in Utah:
All fathers are granted many advantages in Utah. You may have to fight for custody if you have decided to undergo a divorce. All the courts in Utah decided to provide equal rights to fathers as well, that fathers should have some considerations like mothers when it comes to the parenting plan. You alone can never win this battle. Enlist the assistance of a Salt Lake City Divorce Attorney – this attorney works hard to help you and protect your rights.
The Father’s rights are equal and same as of the mother’s rights. The real winners are those children who can feel the love of both the parents and can enjoy the equal access.
It is really important to develop such relationship and the rights to your kids that you and your family deserve otherwise, you’ll have to hire a litigation attorney to help you. Litigation is no fun unless you’re a lawyer.
Father Rights – The Need of Fathers:
Those children who don’t have fathers in their lives suffer a lot in many ways. You need to have such an attorney that can fight for your rights and who is experienced that plays a vital role in protecting the bond between father and his kids. I have mentioned some of the things from which children suffer because of absence of a father in their lives;
- Kids without father’s mostly drop out of their school.
- The teenage murderers come from the families who don’t have fathers.
- Kids without fathers are mostly used illegal drugs and all.
- Children who don’t have fathers are mostly committed domestic violence.
If a children lack the presence of a father, then the children become aggressive and tend to do illegal acts. So fight for your children’s rights and fight for their future.
What can a Fathers Rights Attorney do for you?
The goal of an attorney is to educate you and help you in every way possible so that you can fight in a more intelligent and meaningful way for father’s rights. Try to consult the father’s rights attorney to know the chances of your success.
Most Common Mistakes Make By Fathers:
- Getting involved in drugs or other bad behavior.
- Moving away from the house where the kids live.
- Leaving children in difficult situations.
- Not holding down a good job.
- Living in a dysfunctional home.
- Not fighting for the proper rights of their children.
Parent Time Award in Utah:
For the betterment of children and the family law court Salt Lake City award the shared custody to the parents, so that both the parents can continue to play their role in a kid’s life when the parents are divorced. In this way, fathers can equally get a chance to protect their children and to provide them love and affection what they needed the most. This basically happens in some situations not all, because sometimes it is better for a child to live with one parent.
The Utah Visitation Rights:
The visitation rights are basically referred to the Utah family law courts as we can say Utah parent time. It is the time when the non-custodial parent can spend the time with their kids in this way you can simply look at your kid’s schedules and provide them, love.
In this case, the judge will provide you the minimum parenting schedules that you have to follow. The visiting parent can also share the custody of the children, which means that the other parent can also share the responsibility to have an important decision about their kid’s life like; school, education, religious upbringing and medical care etc.
Parent Time Awards in Utah:
- Virtual parent time and telephonic privileges.
- Extending parent time, when school is not in session.
- Mother’s day and Father’s day for the non-custodial
- Holiday time.
- Birthday time.
- Alternating time or weekends for both the parents.
- One weekday night for the non-custodial
Every parent wants to protect his children and every father wants to provide his children with the best. In many cases, parents fail to honor the child visitation agreements and custody on which they have signed on.
This thing can take many forms and also puts a negative mark on your kid’s mind. Father’s rights that is how so much important to balance this battle and to balance the kid’s upbringing, so that the kid can feel the protection of a father and feel safe.
In this whole messy atmosphere just don’t ever forget about your kid and about his feelings. Because for a healthy kid, it is important that he can have the love of both the parents.
Utah has put a lot of emphasis on the child custody and Father’s Rights. Utah uses many different ways to determine the child custody rights and laws. Basically, Utah lay more emphasis on the child’s best interests.
Some of the best interests of the child related to custody matters a lot and all these are mentioned here;
- The basic interest is the child relationship with parents.
- The moral standards and the past conduct of the parties that are involved.
- Encouragement of parents towards their children is the most important interest, that’s who encourages most the contact between the child and the other parent.
The Last Verdict:
All the courts in Utah are in the favor of providing equal rights to fathers as well so, that they can also play their important role in their kid’s life. This thing they just cannot do alone, they need a highly supportive attorney that can understand all the situation and can guide you in the best way possible because they know how to deal with the situation because they are experienced and know the best.
To discuss your case and to know the best solution you need to consult the lawyers. I hope the above-mentioned guide will help you understand the basic problems or hardships related to father’s rights in Utah.
Free Consultation with Father’s Rights Lawyer
If you have a question about child custody question or if you need to exercise your rights, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States
Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/fathers-rights-in-utah/

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